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Argentina: the ideal terroir

Covering a territory of 3.761.274 km², Argentina holds an outstanding natural richness, where peaks and prairies, woods and deserts, forests and steppes, glaciers and waterfalls coexist. There is no imaginable landscape that can't be found in this country.

the terroir

Among that wide range of diverse ecosystems, highly suitable regions for wine growing are also found. With a few exceptions, the Argentina wine map covers a vast area to the west of the country, from North to South between 22 and 42 degrees Southern latitude, all along the Andes. In this region, more than 221,700 hectares are planted with vines.

Situated on wide valleys or sloping prairies, Argentinean wine regions have well-defined characteristics, altitude being the most important one. The proximity to the Andes is the reason why wine cultivation takes place on sloping plains, from 300 meters (1000 feet) to 2,400 meters (7,800 feet) above sea level. This peculiarity is unique in the world, since not only are the vineyards located at the highest altitudes known for wine cultivation, but also the general average is over 900 meters (3, 000) above sea level, which is something with no paragon in the rest of the world.


Another distinctive aspect of the Argentinean vineyards is their natural healthy condition, based on the mildness of a dry weather, which causes vineyard illnesses to be infrequent. Therefore, very few treatment procedures are needed to beat illnesses. The irrigation system allows for soil fertility regulation by using the purest water produced by the snow melt coming from the Andes mountains.

The sky, crystal clear almost every day, provides abundant sun, allowing the grapes to ripen, and the cooler temperatures at night give them a perfect skin for the color and flavor of wine.

As an additional piece of information, but not less important, all the vineyards are located far away from urban poles, thereby avoiding the contact with pollution. The soil which supports these vineyards is young, fertile and barely farmed. This fact grants a unique feature to the wines, reflected in intense colors, deep aromas and meaty but fruity flavors. Due to this dry and arid geography, it is common to hear people talking about Argentina wine regions as "oasis". Such oases are divided in different regions and sub-regions, according to a well-defined structure.